[Muscle strain]

Testimony from E.F. (female, 81) Englewood, CA
[Muscle strain (pulled muscle)]
Early this year I was trying to get in shape by riding the “fitness bike” for about 40 minutes. The very next morning, I was awaken with an unusual pain around the right abdominal area. The pain was a sharp peeling type of pain never experienced before. I went to see my family doctor right away. The doctor put me on pain medication and physical therapy. I also went to chiropractor and acupuncture but no treatment would remedy the sharp pain as it actually worsened. Especially at night, I couldn’t lay down on the bed and would struggle to find a position to sleep because of the pain.
After struggling with pain for a month, I found “ARK LIGHT THERAPY CLINIC” in a magazine advertisement and called the clinic for an appointment. I began the full spectrum LIGHT treatment 3 times a week (every other day). After each treatment, I felt the pain start reducing gradually. After one month (in MAY) I no longer felt any pain at all. I am so thankful.
The 40 minute Light treatment was very comfortable and it is not painful at all (“no pain no gain” is not true!). Many thanks to the clinic staff for their friendly and kind hospitality which healed my heart too!

Japan Phototherapy Association (Japanese)
Japan Phototherapy Association (Japanese)