[Lower back pain]


■ Thanks to ARK Light for healing all my suffer!

   (lower back pain, hip joint pain, shoulder pain, eardrum damage)

Kumiko Toyotomi (60's) Santa Monica, CA

I was suffering with many PAINS for many years. 1) my lower back pain for over 30years, 2) hip joint pain for over 8years, 3) left shoulder pain for 2years. Despite the skeptics, I couldn't stand the pain anymore, so I tried ARK Light for 3month. 6 months has passed since then, all the pains disappeared and didn't come back! Many thanks to ARK Light Therapy that I regained the quality of life to feel  that there is no hindrance in daily life, particularly in simple day-to-day movements such as sitting down or standing up, walking up and down the stairs, etc.

Two and a half month ago, I had an incident. And this Light Therapy has become "Remarkable" for me..

While I was scratching my left ear with a sharp earpick, I accidentally pushed the earpick too deep inside and injured myself. My left ear hearing ability was ZERO and the otolaryngologist told me because of the BIG hole in the eardrum the only treatment to regain hearing is surgery but he wasn't sure if I could recover 100%, and he scheduled the operation in one month.

Feeling like clutching even at straws, I ran back to ARK SUNRAYS!

A month later, at pre-operative examination, doctor recognized an evidence of healing (my hearing capability was back about 35%), told me lets look at the situation one month more. So I put the ARK Light to my ear almost every day for another month.

At the "judgement day", after Doctor's routine examination, he told me everything looks fine, no surgery needed.

I’m thankful to the clinic staff and the counselor for their warm encouragement and thoughtfulness. Thank you again!


 [Call for appointment] TEL: (310)329-0500

Japan Phototherapy Association (Japanese)
Japan Phototherapy Association (Japanese)